St. Mary of the Mount Church & St. Adalbert Church
What is On Mission for The Church Alive?
It is a consultative strategic planning process that invites participation from clergy, lay ecclesial ministers, parish volunteers and all the faithful. The purpose of the consultation is to foster viable, sustainable, and vibrant parishes and schools that support the mission of evangelization.
Desired Outcome:
The desired outcome of the process is to ensure that our parishes and schools are mission driven and vibrant centers of Word, Worship and Service that create faithful disciples of Christ who are alive in faith and actively give witness to and share that faith. This will require:
Fostering the baptismal call to holiness to be more like Christ in proclaiming Good News, living in justice and faithfully serving others’ needs.
Growing the Church by sharing the joy of the Gospel and the message of salvation.
Increased support and formation so that priests and deacons can best exercise the ministry of Holy Orders bestowed upon them.
Increased formation for lay ministers in leadership development and evangelization.
Realignment of parish structures and regionalization of elementary schools.
Ministerial strategies that promote growth through evangelization and lifelong catechetical formation.
Staffing models that increase collaboration on all levels, e.g., between clergy and lay leaders, between parish staff and diocesan staff, etc.
Increasing vocations.
For more information, please see the Diocese of Pittsburgh On Mission for the Church Alive website - Click Here